Sunday, January 3, 2021

What’s in it for me?

This week, Michael writes how the worldly question is always, “What’s in it for me?”  However, as men and women of God, our question is, “Lord, what’s in it for you?”

True Christians must have the audacity to take a stand on the truth of the Word of God in the midst of the spiritual battle, now that many of the American churches have become secularized.  In our politically correct socialized “Churchianity” culture, the church has succumbed to the devil’s tactic of “divide and conquer.” Often, those on either side of an issue are both wrong. Only Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace” can reconcile God’s people back to God. The devil is patient to divide and conquer by eroding the godly culture that used to prevail in these United States. The foundation of any culture is the family. The family has been under attack by the adversary for several generations in the United States. The strength of the family unit measures the prevailing quality of a nation. Division in the family allows a nation to disintegrate from the inside out. A specific pattern of family relationships works best when men and women act according to the biblical blueprint for marriage. When we as a nation depart from this pattern we give up our life, liberty, and pursuit of godly blessings. 

There is a “devolution” of the family in every culture. At the pinnacle of godly culture, the patriarch stands on the truth of the Word of God and the nation follows godly precepts. However, patriarchs leading a country after having tasted power and influence, devolve because of pride and prejudice. In this next phase of devolution, the domestic family becomes prevalent and men take the spiritual responsibilities for their immediate families. There is great respect in the culture for godly virtues and adherence to the Word of God. The next phase in the devolution of the family is rebellion against authority. An example of this phase was the counter culture movement of the 1960’s when traditional family values began to wane. The family began to splinter and to atomize into opposing factions. The focus was on the worth of the individual as opposed to the family unit. This promoted radical feminism, no-fault divorce, and uncommitted relationships based on fleeting, selfish hedonistic feelings rather than on the enduring familial bonds of godly virtues. The preeminent purpose became “what’s in it for me at this moment of time.” Men and women of God were alienated from the mainstream culture and (not Christianity, but) Churchianity was swept up into the spirit of the age. The church bought into the popular opinion that a man and woman were defined by their work, their accomplishments and their interpersonal relationships; and not by their godly virtues according to the Word of God.

Restoring the Family Altar in the Home, is one solution to countering the prevailing secular culture that has atomized and disintegrated. Only one out of 1500 families that pray together breaks up. What happened to prayer and family devotionals in the church? Prayer and devotion have become the exception rather than the rule in today’s culture of Churchianity. Church has devolved into an unthreatening place catering to the “goats” of the world.  However, Jesus did not say to Peter “herd my goats.”  Rather, he said, “feed my sheep.” Jesus said, “my sheep hear my voice and they follow me and they know me and I give unto them eternal life.”  Like Peter, we have not been called to cater to the unbelievers. Rather the Word of God says to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Not unto those who are perishing, the stench of death unto death, but unto those who believe, as the sweet-smelling fragrance of life unto life.

Evangelizing starts at home with “the man in the mirror”{.  The first step is for a Man or woman of God to allow God to transform them by the renewing of the mind.  Only then can a man or woman influence their own family in the Love of God, in the renewed mind, in manifestation.  We have been called as leaders, to bear up under suffering, and to stand in the gap against the wiles of the devil in the fortress of the home; to protect our spouse and our children as men and women of God serving in love those over whom God has given us charge.

The family in today’s culture is the most violent place on earth. The devil has divided and conquered the United States from the inside out by defiling and destroying the “modern family.” The world has succumbed to the adversary’s “redefinition of marriage” and redefinition of “family.” However, only the Word of God can truly define “marriage” and “family.” According to the Word of God, the family unit is the model for the Church. For a rebirth of the Christian Church, we as men and women of God must restore the family altar. This altar is the Cross of Christ, where Jesus Christ sacrificed His innocent blood as the sinless sacrifice for our sins, that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him.

Our prayer is not that God will take sides, but that He will take over …  not my will but Thine be done. For it is God who worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure.  Restoration of the family is not in my strength, but in His strength alone.  Fellowship in the family of God starts with the fellowship of the church in the home.  As God’s men and women, we cannot in our own power transform ourselves or our families. Only God has the power to change …  be ye not conformed to this world but (allow yourselves) to be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  God has called his men and women for such a time as this … Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve The Lord. Eternity is what's in it for me and you.


May God richly bless you!
Your brother in Christ, Michael

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