Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Linking with Likeminded Christians


In this message, Michael writes that in the sport of baseball, the team that makes the fewest mistakes will usually win. The winning teams train and tone their physic, hone their skills to master the basics and execute them near flawlessly in a sport using round balls and round bats. Their coaches drill into each player the basics in other to make them the best team that they can be. 

Our calling as Christians is to link together with likeminded individuals to progress and mature in the Christian life. Fellowship includes linking together with like-minded Christians. You’re most like the ones with whom you associate. With whom do you affiliate? Who do you hang around with? The example was Jesus’ relationship with his disciples. Jesus had twelve disciples; His team (so to speak). He also had an inner circle of three men, Peter, James, and John. The question is, who are your twelve and who are your three?

When the people witnessed the miracles and mighty works that Jesus performed to demonstrate God’s power, they wanted to make Him their political leader. Jesus said, that’s not why I’m here. They asked Him, “what’s your plan?” Jesus said, “you see those lowly fishermen and that despised tax collector? Those guys, my team, they’re the plan.” Through twelve men, Jesus changed the history of the world.

The first objective on a winning team is that each devoted team member knows the basics. Second, they have a dedicated purpose and a desired mission. Third, they love and trust each other. Great teams are successful because they perform selflessly for the good of the team and not for their own individual glory.  

Jesus rarely ministered to the multitudes. There are only a few incidents recorded in the gospels where he spoke to large crowds. He spent most of his time ministering face-to-face to individuals. Why? God wired humans as social beings. Statistics show that most people don’t’ have a best friend. America has the leading suicide rate of all wealthy countries. Without an intimate group of friends, most people lose their hope for living. Even though they associate with other people at work, school, or in the marketplace they’re careful to distance themselves from others so they don’t feel vulnerable. Most people are concerned about respect, honor and love from others. They think wrongly that their performance in the world is what defines their success. But, godly social interaction is key - teamwork.

The Bible says, greater love has no man than one who gives his life for his friends. Anyone for a righteous man would die, but no one would die for the unrighteousness, for those who were undeserving of love, grace, and mercy. However, God commended His love toward us, for in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. How do you know if you’re Jesus’ friend? Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments. Obedience to the “Word of God” in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible and to Jesus Christ, the Word of God made manifest, is the hallmark of love.  

A slave doesn’t know what his master is doing. However, Jesus said, a friend shares everything with his friend. I’m blessed to call you friends, for all things I’ve heard from my Father, I’ve shared with you. Christians with an intimate group of like-minded friends pick each other up. They bear one another’s burdens. They comfort and encourage one another in love. People who have true best friends for stability and companionship do not commit suicide. When you love someone, this makes life worth living. You have something to live for that’s more important than yourself. When we love, the object of love is greater than all the earthly treasures of this life.  

Without God’s grace and mercy we would not have the capacity to love Him in return. Because of God’s love, Jesus Christ who was without sin was made the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him. Because of the price Jesus paid on our behalf we have received the gift of God’s Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us the ability to love God in return. 

When we love God, Jesus said, my burden is easy and my yoke is light. It’s a blessing to serve those we love. When we like-mindedly love with the love of God, it’s not about the effort, for God works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. According to Galatians, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but believing which works in love, that in serving one another in love, we may live to the praise of the glory of His grace!

Your brother in Christ, Michael

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