Friday, June 4, 2021

Building a Testimony – Part 1


Last Sunday retired pastor Wayne Palmer, who considers himself a little dutch boy because he is not afraid to put his finger in any hole in the dike when he sees that there is a problem, preached on building our testimony. Being retired, he wants to love God and have God love on him, while he helps other people. 


Something that is important to each and every one of us is our testimony. But, what do you think a testimony is? It usually comes in two forms. The first type of testimony is “Court” testimony. A solemn declaration or affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact. Such affirmation in judicial proceedings, may be verbal or written, but must be under oath. Testimony differs from evidence; testimony is the declaration of a witness, and evidence is the effect of that declaration on the mind, or the degree of light which it affords. In the court of law, they have you take an oath: “Do you swear that this testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” 


Then there is the second type of testimony called “witness” testimony. An open attestation to, or profession of faith. An affirmation, declaration, and/or confirmation of faith. If someone asks you why you are so positive and happy or why nothing every seems to bother you, do you have an answer? Both require a statement about the truth that lies within you about God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the Gospel of Salvation. In the court of public testimony, it is the functional information pertaining to an incident which is a factual account to what has changed your life and direction. The event or series of events where God gave you victory. Victory implies that you went through a battle, suffered persecution, experienced stress, then came through and out of it. God got you out of a mess that we got ourselves into and gave us victory in it. 


We need to remember that when we deal with the testimonies in our lives, that as we draw closer to God and build ourselves, we understand that the problems in the areas of our lives are allowed by God, but created by us. Our worst enemy is “us”. In order to celebrate the victories, we must first go through the difficulties. To live a victorious Christian life; first buckle your seatbelt for the ride. You are going to go through some difficult times, but know that Almighty God is both with you and on the other side waiting for you. Know that God is there always. As a beloved child, the Lord picks you up and carries you through the trials of life.    


Romans 8:28 says, “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”, to those who are following the calling and leading of God. God works in out when you are doing things His way. God lets it go wrong when you do things your way. God does not immediately lift you out of every trial that you put yourself into because He wants you to learn and grow from them. Romans 8:31 asks, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Do we forget that God is always with us and God is going to deliver us? When we take our eyes off of the Lord for a brief moment, and fixate upon ourselves and our problems, we lose sight of our Deliverer. So, to get victory, we need to refocus. 


Understand that as a practicing Christians, we must realize that the God-rejecting world system is against us. Even though the godless secular world may say that they are our friend, they want nothing short of our destruction; darkness hates the light. They want to defeat God and his people, to tear us down. To be a Christian is to live a God-honoring life and to spend eternity with Him in glory. Know this truth that the “Salvation experience” in an individual’s life is different in every case. God saves none of us in the exact same way. The salvation that I am talking about is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as you Lord and Savior, and know that you are a repentant sinner saved by the love and grace of God alone. 

Let's continue Pastor Wayne's message on our testimony in the next post.

In Christ, Brian

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