Friday, November 24, 2023

Jesus’ Diet Plan

This week apologist Michael writes: There’s a new “Flexitarian” diet, a mostly vegetarian diet that allows occasional meat, poultry, and fish. This is an inclusive and not an exclusive diet. Similarly, most Christians are flexitarian Christians, meaning that they are inclusive of the world’s secular doctrine even where the Bible says, “Abhor that which is evil.” There is only one true standard.

In John 6, a large multitude had just listened to Jesus’ teaching. Many had witnessed the miracles Jesus did. He had healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, made the lame walk and even raised the dead to life. However, some in the crowd were jealous that the people were following him and leaving the traditional synagogue. Then Jesus figuratively said, in order to follow me you need to eat my flesh and drink my blood. I am the water of life and the true bread of life. These things he said in the synagogue. Many of the traditional Jews could not receive Jesus’ words. Then Jesus asked them, are you offended? The very words I speak are spirit and life. No one can come unto me unless the Father gives them to me. 

Many of those who had followed him around stopped pursuing him when he spoke these words. They thought Jesus’ teachings were “too exclusive.” Then Jesus said to his disciples, Will you also leave? Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Jesus didn’t teach a flexitarian diet. He didn’t beg the people to follow him. Acceptance of Jesus Christ is on God’s terms, not the world’s terms. Jesus culled the crowd. His was an exclusive, divisive, “intolerant” doctrine. Holiness begins with separation ... Separation from the world in order to follow after the kingdom of heaven.

Today, Jesus would be accused of speaking “hate speech.” Though he invites all to believe and be saved, He would be condemned for not being inclusive. His doctrine was close-minded, exclusive, elitist, and intolerant. Jesus said, unless you take up your cross daily, you cannot follow me. The cross is the instrument of death. If you are not willing to die to self, Jesus said, you cannot follow me as my disciple. A Disciple is a disciplined follower, one who is disciplined in following the teachings of Jesus, the word of God made manifest. Discipleship means to follow Jesus intentionally, purposefully, and deliberately. To confess Jesus is Lord means that I’m no longer in charge; that he is the lord, owner, and master of my life. The holy way is the battle for hearts and minds… beginning with our own heart.  

There’s trouble in the temple of human authority. Jesus confronted the Pharisees and said, Why do you forsake the commands of God to follow your tradition. Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to do evil? I’ll heal a man on any day I choose. I always do my Father’s will.  

There was trouble in the temple two thousand years ago. There is still trouble in the temple today. The great Commission to spread the Gospel has not been obeyed. The Christian church in America has not grown through new converts in the last thirty years. There has been no net increase in the number of Christians and now the trend is that the Christian church is in decline by twenty five percent each decade. Churches grow in number temporarily when they add new worship music, small groups, events for youth and for elderly couples, and new youth pastors. However there is no increase in church membership when there is no challenge to spread the gospel of salvation.

The apostle Paul said eight times in the epistles, speak the truth and call others to follow Christ. Plant and water the Word of God in people’s hearts and God will give the increase. Go and make disciples of everyone I have called you to minister… as Jesus said, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

How do you fish for men and women? 1. Focus on the name of one person whom God has given you to fish for. 2. Use the right bait (friend, where are you going when you die?). 3. Share the gospel with them one on one. When you hook someone, they “fight like hell” to get away. Light exposes everything in the darkness. The world tries to pull them back into the ocean of doubt. The Lord Jesus Christ himself is the “Hound of Heaven” who pursues those whom God has chosen from the beginning of time. Existing outside of time, He sees the end from the beginning. 

Mission before commission. That which thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou unto faithful men who shall be able to teach others also. To fish for men, ask God to help you… he will work in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. He has made us all ministers of the New Testament. Our calling is to call others to Christ; We are God’s fruit. The fruit is where the seed is. Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it cannot reproduce. We must die to self to produce fruit for God. In dying to self, you teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are.  

Our mission before commission is: Go give ‘em heaven! God will give the increase that together we may live to the praise of the glory of His grace! Your brother in Christ, Michael

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