Friday, May 29, 2020

Lord Give Us Christians – Part 2

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They have a parent-wound that has never healed.  Their parents never mentored them, disciplined them, or taught him the love of God. They feel estranged from God, themselves, and other people. They’re angry but can’t quite put their finger on the cause of their anger. They never pray with their spouse and don’t feel that they can let their guard down and still be loved. They feel threatened by their questioning their love, dedication, and motives. They don’t initiate communication with their spouse, other than at an informational level. They know they don’t pray enough, read their bible enough, study enough or love enough. They think that they are the only one who struggles with their sin, guilt, and shame. They are ashamed when someone calls them a man or woman of God. They are terrified that someone will find out who they really are. They avoid situations where they might be asked to pray or quote scripture. They are afraid that someone will find out the kind of man or woman they really are.  

As an early Christian, a pastor was asked to lead a men’s group. He agreed even though he felt unworthy in the presence of the spiritual leaders of his church. This was when the Green Bay Packers were winning national championships. He remembered that at the beginning of each season their coach Vince Lombardi held up a football and said, “this is a football.” An Elder in his church said, never apologize about reminding me about the fundamentals of our faith. The average Christian is afraid to be known by other Christians. They have no time to cultivate a best friend so they are careful not to get close to others. They find their identity in their job, in their bank account, or in their independence and self-sufficiency. They are confused about their role as a children of God, a Christian spouse and a Christian parent.  

That pastor reflected about our culture and was inspired to pen this prayer about people of God: Lord Give Us Christians. Christians with stout hearts and fire in their eyes. Christians who fear nothing but you, and who owe nothing to anyone but acts of love. Lord give us Christians. Christians who are willing to live and die for you, who name the name of Christ and live for His glory. Lord give us Christians. Christians who know your voice and whose greatest delight is to do your will. Who are slow to anger, quick to listen, and eager to forgive. Lord give us Christians. Christians who love their spouses and honor you in their homes; Who are living epistles of salt and light to all they know and meet. Christians whose sacrifice, service, and love are renown and who are known to have spent time with you. Lord give us Christians! Your kind of Christians! For the world is desperate for them. Lord give us Christians. Christian men and women of faith and action, who have eternity in their hearts and only you as their focus, passion and reason for living.  Christians of whom the world is not worthy, yet are blessed to have.

Lord, these Christians are few, but they know that you use ordinary people to do extraordinary things through your power. That you use foolish men and women to shame the wise; weak men and women, who because you become strong. Christians who are known more for their availability than for their ability. Christians who choose to decrease so that you may increase. Lord to me this seems like an impossible request, but these are the kind of people you make when they give their lives in total abandonment and absolute trust to you. Lord let me be a Christian like this among Christians like this. Lord let me be that Christian.  

May this be our prayer O Lord, that we may ever live to the praise of the glory of your grace.
In Christ, Michael

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