Sunday, May 3, 2020

Grace and Peace Multiplied – Part 1

Bridal Veil Falls . Colorado

1 Peter 1:1-2 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied.”

This last Sunday marked our fifth Sunday since our church campus closed and virtual church was produced for broadcast video of the Worship service. Pastor Kyle started a new sermon series through the book of first and Second Peter. He points out that the term “pilgrim” in the first verse is used for one just traveling through. It describes someone who knows that wherever they currently are, it is not the final destination. This is such a great metaphor for Christians on planet Earth. We are here, but just passing through; chosen for a greater destination – eternity in Heaven.

In the second verse, the Apostle Peter used the phrase: “according to the foreknowledge of God the Father”. Did God choose us based upon His foreknowledge of our choices would be, or did He pick us because He picked us based off His own reasons? There are solid biblical arguments for both. We’ll fully understand in Heaven. But, we do know that God didn’t have to love us; God chose us because He wanted to. And, because we are chosen by God, there are some expectations that come along with that. Believers have been set apart for the sanctification of the Spirit and obedience (doing what God says more and more every day).

Peter starts by telling every Christian that they are chosen by God … they didn’t earn it, they don’t deserve it; it is a gift. Since we are chosen pilgrims, there is this expectation of spiritual growth. And, one of the biggest evidences of spiritual growth in every Believer’s life is the multiplication of grace and peace. It is a fitting affirmation for us today, and we decide what get multiplied and what does not. How?

We don’t have to let the negative events outside of us which are going around and beyond our control to get multiplied inside of us. In this day and age, we sense a lot of other things being multiplied in our society. Stress, anxiety, depression, fear, financial uncertainty, unanswered questions and disagreements are being seen multiplying daily in our culture; not just in the world in general or in those who do not know the Lord, but also in Christians. Honestly, it is a daily battle for me to be in a place of grace and peace, Negatives, that are so vividly seen, are always going to be around us, but those are not the things that God wants multiplied in us.

How do we get to the place where grace and peace are multiplied in us? I believe that the first key is to remind ourselves that we decide what gets multiplied. It’s in our control. There is an old saying: You can’t stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair. There are a multitude of negative realities around us that are beyond our control. Those facts are 100% true and we should not live in denial about them. We should be informed about them to the extent that we know what action steps to take for ourself and our family. But, the issue is that we cannot do anything to change those things. What I want you and I to take hold of today is that those things can multiple around us, but the negative aspects of them don’t have to multiple inside of us. You decide what gets multiples inside of you.

It sounds like I an saying that people are in charge of their own destiny, but I am not. The Apostle Peter wrote that we are chosen by God, undeservingly elect according to the foreknowledge of God so that grace and peace could be multiplied inside of us. That is supernatural; not something that you or I could do on our own. That is something that God’s Spirit enabled every Believer to do by His power, not ours. You see, God has enabled every Believer to have grace and peace multiplied on the inside, but God has also given them the choice to take hold of it daily in simple, practical ways.

Let’s continue Pastor Kyle’s message of grace and peace in the next post.
In Christ, Brian

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