Sunday, June 2, 2019

Walk on Water

John 6:16-21 “When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened. But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.”
Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading.

Last week, Pastor Kyle continued in our Sunday Sermon series through the book of John. He pointed out that the Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberias, Kinneret or Kinnereth, is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is the lowest freshwater lake on Earth, at levels between 215 meters and 209 meters below sea level. Around the sea, the hills of Galilee reach nearly 1,400 feet above sea level, and the mountains of the Golan Heights (called the Decapolis in Jesus' time) reach more than 2,500 feet. The sea's location makes it subject to sudden and violent storms as the wind comes over the eastern mountains and drops suddenly onto the sea. Storms are especially likely when an east wind blows cool air over the warm air that covers the sea. The cold air (being heavier) drops as the warm air rises. This sudden change can produce surprisingly furious storms in a short time, as it did in Jesus' day.

But, Pastor asks, how can we (figuratively) “walk on water” through the storms of life? In this life, living in a fallen world, we are going to have troubles and uncertainties. How can we make them be like water on a duck? Kyles says that we first need to set a course for somewhere. Meaning, wake up every day with a positive and godly goal in mind and try your best to get there. No course at all is the worse plan for life because it stalls us; not moves us forward. But, know that God will set you a course, if you do not set one for yourself. Our overall goal is to follow Jesus, but in our specific goals for living that flow from our discipleship, do not get off course. 

An important subpoint is to make sure that ministry is a part of it. We can develop an amazing life plan, but if there is no ministry included in it, then it is a bad plan. Everyone is called to be “in Jesus’ boat”, a member of Christ’s ministry on earth (to seek and save the lost) and the fields are always ripe for harvestof souls. Everyone wants a blessing. Serving in Christian ministry claims the storms. 

Pastor says secondly, that we should know that you can be in the middle of a storm of life and in the middle of God’s will at the same time. The Lord sent the Apostles from the shore by boat to row across the lake to the other side, know that the situation was going to get rough and tough through the storm. But, Jesus did not instruct them to row half way across and perish. The Messiah told them to row across the lake to Capernaum where He would meet them. Jesus did not rush to their rescue. God is not hurried by our trouble, but comes to us in our struggles. 

The third thing that Pastor says that we should do in the storms of life is to stay focus on who is in the boat with us. The test was to see if they trusted God in the storm. With obedience and worship, I shall trust and follow. Trust the Lord in storms ahead. Jesus has compassion upon us, but allows us to walk into the storms of life. Life has waves of trials and tribulations to sometimes get through, but they all shall pass. Jesus is the answer. As your faith grows, so will your trust in God, instead of yourself to get through. 

Building your faith and leaving your mistakes improves your Christian walk and journey. Remember that it is not our boat; it’s the Lord’s. Experience is a great teacher, so know that God has something for you in the storm. Stay focus on Jesus and do not be distracted. For those around us, we can be either a “faith booster” or a “Faith sinker”. To uplift is our goal with other; not tear down. Always speak positive of God; His kingdom, His love and His provision. God’s sends His people into His boat to encourage and do the journey together, so don’t row alone. 

Know that no storm can overtake you in God’s boat. You have nothing to fear, so walk on water.

In Christ, Brian

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