Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Long Fuse


Proverbs 14:29 says, “He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, but he who is impulsive exalts folly.”


There is a term “to get a rise out of someone”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as: to cause (someone) to react in an angry way : to make someone angry or upset. There are those out there in the world that find joy in “ticking people off” (to make someone angry or indignant), get their jollies by “getting your goat” (to annoy someone, to make a person lose his or her temper), by “pushing your buttons” (to do things that create a very strong emotional reaction in one, especially anger, irritation, or exasperation), or by “getting under your skin” (to irritate or upset someone). It is a malicious act, usually a verbal assault done on purpose, based on pride and originating from “hate” of one’s fellow man. Back in the days of my early youth, such a transgression was not tolerated by society and reprimanded because such behavior was disrespectful, mean and designed to cause damage. Such evil was kept in check in the community by the common good. 


There always has been, and always will be vicious, malevolent individuals and groups that are vindictive and seek to cause anger in this fallen world. It is the nature of human darkness to disrupt the light of peace and tranquility. They get their kicks “disrupting the apple cart” (to create a difficulty that spoils carefully laid plans or disturbs the status quo) and ruining your joy. But, it is up to the moral majority and those with a biblical worldview to identify and standup against those who that malign the culture with lack of manners, unethical practices, no moral compass or have no boundaries.  


I remember just after the turn of the century, when my niece showed me her poster of “Happy Bunny”, a counter-culture cartoon ridiculing and “making fun of” ordinary, average good people. She thought that the posters were funny. Why? Because they challenged the norm in society. With statements like “Your anger makes me happy”, “ Don’t let this smile fool you. I really do hate you”, “I know right from wrong. Wrong is the fun one.” and many more. There is an outright frontal attack on our culture and the division is plainly seen. They hope that you have a short fuse and explode with emotion, as believe tht you cannot do anything to stop them. They do not desire to co-exist, but to throw civil society into the closet, lock it and throw way the key. Such assaults on our culture must be opposed in a non-heated manner. Wrong is wrong. They know it, but just don’t care. Disrupting the tranquil peace and loving joy is their goal. Be aware, then beware. Don’t let them get to you. Put your trust in God, not fallen humanity. Be the stable one, who stands on the solid foundation.  


Ephesians 4:26-27 “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger and give no opportunity to the devil.”


You cannot help but be upset at evil, but have a long fuse, stand firm in the full armor of God and defend the faith, defend the standards of conduct, expect compliance to morals, manners and ethics and demand nothing less than God’s Word, Will and Way. Share the Gospel and go make disciples.

In God We Trust,

In Christ, Brian

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