Monday, October 10, 2022

Servants - Part 1


This week, Michael writes: Everyone is someone’s servant. You are slaves to whom you obey. Most people would rather serve themselves. As Americans, we’re thought rugged individualism … that we have to look out for “number one.” However, be careful whom you serve. As one preacher said, the god of self is heavily defended territory.

In Mark 9 Jesus said, if anyone wants to be first, he must be servant of all. Men and women of this world aspire to be the “goat”: the greatest of all time. James and John’s mother said to Jesus, reserve the special place on your right and left hand for my sons. However, Jesus said, the greatest leader is the greatest servant. The world values the praise of others; they live for “hearty approbation and lavish praise.” They seek tributes,  accolades and trophies from other people. The materialistic world says, you’re a winner, you’re the greatest, the one who deserves praise, honor and glory.

Sometimes Jesus was surprised by the Gentiles who were not schooled in Israel’s Old Testament Law. A Roman centurion came to Jesus and said, “my servant is near death and needs to be healed". Jesus said, I’ll go with you to heal him. The centurion said, “I’m a man in authority like you. I give a command and whatever I say gets done. Just say the words, and my servant will be healed”. Jesus marveled at this Gentile’s believing faith. In Luke 9 Jesus said, the son of man must suffer many things and then be killed and raised up the third day. He said, if any man wants to be my disciple they must deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow me. What good is if a man gains his life but loses his soul? As Missionary Jim Elliot said, He is no fool who loses that which he cannot keep to keep that which he cannot lose.

In John 13, Jesus said, If you call me Lord, and if I have washed your feet then wash one another’s. feet. He that is chief among you must be servant of all. In Luke 4 the devil led Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. The devil said, If you bow down and worship me, then I’ll give you all of this, for it has been delivered unto me. Then Jesus answered, it is written, “You shall worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shall you serve.” The question is, do you worship the things of the world, or do you worship the Lord God? Do you really love God above all? You worship that which you love … if not the sovereign Almighty Creator of heaven and earth or either the things of this world, the god of self and selfishness, the god of comfort, or the god of other people’s approval.

We may have accomplished many things that the world considers success. Churches ask three things: to attend regularly, to give generously and to serve diligently. The real question is, “who is it that they are asking you to serve?” Are they calling you to serve their denomination or their deacon/elder board or their head pastor? It’s a subtle thing … the devil will appear as an angel of light. If you want to control others, then devise a works-based system of advancement and continuous improvement. Today, works has replaced grace, even in the church. The question is, “in a works-based system, when is enough enough?” How good do my works need to be? How much do I need to give? How many do I need to serve in order to gain entrance into Heaven? In a works-based system, enough is never good enough … for all have sinned and missed the mark.

Despite our falling short of the world’s standards of success, does mercy triumph over judgement? Jesus said to those who had gathered to stone the woman caught in adultery, “he who is without sin may cast the first stone.” One by one each man was convicted in his own heart. One by one each of her accusers slinked away. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

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