Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022 AD

1 John 4:8 “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”


Today, many nations celebrate Valentine’s Day, but who are they truly celebrating and why?

Per the Encyclopedia Britannica, St. Valentine, (died in the 3rd century on February 14), name of one or two legendary Christian martyrs whose lives seem to be historically based. Although the Roman Catholic Church continues to recognize St. Valentine as a saint of the church. From the High Middle Ages, his Saints' Day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love (a conception of love that emphasized nobility and chivalry. These love relationships are not physical, but the love is not entirely platonic either, as it was based on sexual attraction between biological males and females). He is also a patron saint of Terni, epilepsy and beekeepers. Saint Valentine was a clergyman – either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians. 


By some accounts, St. Valentine was a Roman priest and physician who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus about 270 AD. He was buried on the Via Flaminia, and Pope Julius I reportedly built a basilica over his grave. Other narratives identify him as the bishop of Terni, Italy, who was martyred, apparently also in Rome, and whose relics were later taken to Terni. It is possible these are different versions of the same original account and refer to only one person.


According to legend, St. Valentine signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness. Another common legend states that he defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples to spare the husbands from war.

Psalm 146:1 “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!”


Some people may not know who they are celebrating on this February 14, 2022 AD.or why?Interestingly, A.D. stands for the Latin phrase "Anno Domini" meaning "in the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ)." The BC/AD dating system is utilized to make the death of Jesus the dividing line of world history. The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are the turning points of world history. BC and AD separate the old from the new. Some people may not know who they are celebrating every day when they say or write the date. Happy Valentine’s Day and praise the Lord!


In Christ, Brian

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