Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Who is Discipling Who?

dahlias_flowers_bouquet_close-up_43504_640x1136 | by vadaka1986

There are many references to focusing our lives on the “here & now”, but knowing the trap of existential philosophy that single-focuses people from the biblical and experiential lessons, the  truths of the historical past that the Lord uses for our spiritual and soul growth, along with the future promises of God and eternal perspective for spiritual and soul stability, the Christian’s past, present and future form the balance of life. I wish that all Christian discipleship training does also.  

This mentality that everything must be new, fresh, trendy and popular has polluted society and infiltrated many even within the Christian church to lose sight of godly priorities and create secular distractions from making disciples to exclusively making like-minded friends. We’ve lost the meaning of being a disciple. It is believed that we can be a Christian and willfully sin against God and man without repentance as we have a Savior but not a Lord of our life. 


Homosexuality, heterosexual sex outside the context of marriage (aka fornication) and infidelity in flirting or pornography (aka adultry), recreational drug use to get high (aka pharmacist), pro-abortion on demand, drunkedness in partying to get a buzz on are not condemned as sin by God are in many churches today. Tolerance and politically correct within the culture as normalized and legalized in society and even in the Christian church has led to either accept these God-forbidden thought and actions or be silent on the sinful issues, thereby making the church not only a non-factor in society, but a non-entity at all in the culture, arguable useless to God or man as the darkness of sin and unbelief extinguishes the light of Christ and His gospel. 


The Christian church is to be holy, as God is holy, so by definition the church is set apart from from the ungodly secular world. It is to be a light and example of loving and thinking right in the eyes of God in the darkness of sin, doubt and rebellious unbelief. But, I am afraid that the church has lost sight of its Creator, Heavenly Father God and His Gospel mission of Salvation. They’ve lost sight of the kingdom of Heaven, it’s King and His Commandment to obey as His people. We lose our sight of Christ and His Great Commission as our goal. Jesus said to go makes disciples in the God-rejecting world, teaching them all that he has commanded. Yet, many churches allow the God-rejecting world make disciples of them instead. And the Christian church is dying and decreasing because the church wants to be “friends” with the world rather than make disciples of it. Who is disciplining who?


I pray that by the Holy Spirit’s supernatural power that true discipleship boldly returns to the Christian church, and Jesus is both Savior & Lord of every life.

in Christ, Brian

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MJ Mayhem said...
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