Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Whole Big Picture - Part 2

Romans 8:18 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

Continuing Dr. Nolte's message, he states that the second big message that 1 Peter reminds us is that this world is not our home. The child of God is a citizen of Heaven and we truly belong elsewhere. 1 Peter 2:11 calls Christians sojourners and pilgrims or exiles; a person that is from one country who is placed in another. If you are a citizen of another place, no matter where you go, those are the values, standards and goals you live by (your heart and mind are there). The Apostle reminds us that we actually belong in the kingdom of God. Philippians 3:20 tells us, “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Our true citizenship is in Heaven, not on Earth. But, this is not our final destination.  

Now that can be misinterpreted that the world is miserable and drags on; just try to make it through this depressing life, then we’ll get to go to Heaven. Absolutely not! In fact, when we are in Christ, we get to enter into that relationship of becoming the individual that God wants us to be. We may not understand the times in which we live, but Scripture clearly instructs us not to loath this world in which you live. We were born here, in this place and time, for a reason, a mission of good works and a godly goal. One of the greatest things that we can do as Followers of Jesus Christ is to make this world a better place; it’s a part of our ministry and our mission. It is a part of our proof that we are redeemed from Hell and becoming more whole, more full, and have more abundant life from God. But, ultimately, this is not the end, so when this journey is over, we’ll be with the Lord God in Heaven, where we truly belong. 

So the third overall message of 1 Peter is that while we are here, we are called to holy living. Meaning to strive to live properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense. Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections. Hallowed; consecrated or set apart to a sacred use, or to the service or worship of God; holy vessels; a holy nation; the holy temple; a holy priesthood. Proceeding from pious principles, or directed to pious purposes. How often have people over the years misunderstood the definition of “holy”. They think of lack of blemish and never doing anything wrong or sin. Being holy means to be set apart by a holy God for a godly purpose. If something is holy, it is chosen and set apart because there is a special task and use for it in a special dynamic and relationship. The Apostle reminds us that the corporate church and the local church have been set apart for God’s good works, so live like God’s set apart people on mission in family and community. There is something different in the way that Christians live and think; The things that they are passionate about and respond to, even hardship and suffering.   

The fourth overall message of 1 Peter is that the people of God are His chosen instrument and vehicle to show this lost-in-sin world the Gospel of Jesus Christ and deliver its message of salvation. Two important words here are “show” and “deliver”. Show the gospel by living. What does it look like to live in a relationship with God because of who Jesus is and what He has done for us? What does it look like to live in relationship with family, friends and community? God has chosen us to show the world that does not know the Lord what it is like to be His people. What a fantastic privilege! It is a awesome responsibility, but if we lovingly allow God to live in us and through us, then it isn’t a burden. It’s saying, “God, live through me because I what to show the world what it is like to be a son or daughter of God through Jesus - the Christ, even if we go through times of hardship and suffering. 

The second word is really important … and that is “deliver”. Christians are the chosen by God to deliver the Gospel message. Simple question: IF we do not deliver the message of the gospel to the world, who will? The church is the primary means way which and through which God intents for the Gospel to reach the entire world. The Christian church is God’s Plan ‘A’, and there is no Plan ‘B’. If we do not take our privileged opportunity to deliver the Gospel message to our world, our community, our neighborhoods, families, co-workers and acquaintances in our sphere of influence, God doesn’t have another way, as He has called us to deliver that message. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:20 “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” An Ambassador is not the one with ultimate authority, but speaks the word of the ultimate authority. They’re not the one who decides the marching orders, but the one who delivers the marching orders. They are not the one with the big plan and vision, but the one who delivers and executes it. That’s who we are and what 1 Peter reminds us. 

It's continue Dr. Nolte's message on the Big Picture in the next post.
In Christ, Brian 

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