Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Remarkable One - Part 1

This week, Michael writes that the gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ is the truth that sets men and women free. Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  This is the message of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

Just by looking around today, it's easy to lament the state of affairs of this world ... for they call evil good and good evil.  However, Jesus came not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the laborer's are few." The depravity of this fallen world is the mission field, having remained fallow, but is now ready to be planted and watered with the seed of the gospel of truth. He has called us as fellow laborers to plant, water and bring in the salvation harvest of souls.

The gospel of the truth of the word of God is remarkable. Jesus the “Word made flesh” is the Remarkable One.  Remarkable means Observable; worthy of notice. It makes others want to investigate and learn. When the people saw Jesus, they were drawn to Him. They had never seen someone who spoke with the authority of God and did the miracles that He did. Remarkable means Extraordinary; unusual; that which is beyond the ordinary; that deserves particular notice. They marveled that He was able to heal the sick and raise the dead. Remarkable is wonderful in a unique and marvelous way that may excite admiration or wonder. It is extraordinary and rare, atypical and standing apart from the norm. They had never seen anything as remarkable as Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Jesus said to the lame man whose friends laid him before Jesus, "Your sins are forgiven, rise up and walk."  The Pharisees were furious because Jesus said, "your sins are forgiven." They considered this blasphemy because only God can forgive sin. However, regardless of the scoffers and unbelievers, the world will take notice when the power of God is manifest.

At the day of Pentecost, Peter preached the first sermon after Jesus' resurrection.  The crowd at the Temple marveled at his remarkable words. They noticed that he was an "unlearned and ignorant" Galilean. Then they took note that he had been with Jesus. Peter had been filled with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and preached empowered by the spirit.

Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth." Salt was precious for the preservation of food. The Romans paid their soldiers in salt. The source of the word “salary” is the Latin word ‘salarium’, with the ‘sal’ being salt. It is also required to preserve life itself since many biological processes depend on salt. However, if the salt has lost its flavor, what good is it? It's only good to be cast into the street and walked on. Jesus Christ is the savor (flavor and sweet smelling fragrance) of life unto life to those who are called to salvation. Jesus said, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you, then you will be witnesses unto me.  The power of my resurrection will be manifest in your life.  You will be able to do all things whatsoever I have commanded you.  For you are our epistles known and read of all men.

Let's continue Michael's message on Jesus Christ in our next post.
In Christ, Brian

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