Sunday, February 3, 2019

Out of Isolation and Into Community – Part 2

Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”

Continuing from yesterday’s post, Pastor Kyle then gave us five things that we need to do if we want to experience Christ-centered community. (1) We need to stir ourselves up to get there. If we say that we love the beach, but never go to the beach, then you may not really love the beach. We do what we love. And the same goes for following the Lord Jesus Christ and being involved in His church. Where do you spend your time? It is a fact that it is easier to criticize than it is to participate. Get real and stop thinking about all the things that are keeping you from going and experiencing church community. Seek and find reasons for going and being a part of it. There is always something that God can do with us when we show up. Great relationships take time to form. (2) We need to make worship in church, Bible Study, prayer and fellowship a priority and habit. In Luke 4:16, Jesus came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. Like our Lord, Shouldn’t we make experiencing Christ-centered community our custom also?

(3) We need to remember that it’s not perfect. God uses imperfect people to work His perfect purposes. Get through the awkward phases of community (both Christ-centered and secular). It is not your responsibility to solve all of the problems of life in this fallen world. We work towards growth and improvement, doing what is “right” in the eyes of the Lord, but remember that nobody is perfect. (4) We need to commit to be real. You and I can put up a good front, but what is behind the curtain. Everyone appreciate genuine and despises the counterfeit. A facade is a fake, but being authentic is reality that produces growth. (5) We need to commit to encouraging others as Christ has encouraged us. Good relationships, not wrath, makes us happier and satisfied in life. It is well said that the only time we should look down on a person is when we are lending them a hand to help them up. Loneliness is toxic, busyness is both distracting and tiring, but loving faith community causes people to thrive.

Don’t do life alone, do life together. It’s about coming out of isolation and into community, so follow Jesus and be church – a loving Christ-centered community. 
It's a super Sunday to start.
In Christ, Brian

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