Monday, June 17, 2024



Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”


I read an article by the American Family Association’s General Counsel Abraham Hamilton III on “Fatherhood”, which I’d like to share a portion of with you, as the issue is vitally important to society. Pastor Hamilton, who is well aware of the spiritual attack on American families, particularly on men and the biblical role of God-designed fatherhood. Fatherhood is a God-given station of mission, where men have the opportunity as fathers to shape destinies, to shape societies. Hamilton explained that from the beginning, God had a distinct vision in mind when establishing the sacred station of fatherhood through intentional discipleship in the home.   


I have heard Christian experts on the subject identify the growing problem fathers not staying with their families and single mothers having to raise the children alone. A report by the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) brought to light the crisis of fatherlessness sweeping the nation. Approximately, one in four children in the United States , a total of 18.3 million children lived without a father present in the home in 2022. The recorded associated negative impacts are massive: likely to suffer mental health issues, behavioral problems, mood disorders, substance abuse, teen pregnancies, dropping out of school, attempt suicide and face incarceration; a divine foundation stone upon which to build families and civilizations. Hamilton clarifies that fatherhood is a hallowed calling, a missional role from which we discharge our faithfulness to God Himself. By selflessly loving and leading our children, we fulfill this high calling. Our fatherhood becomes an act of worship and service to the Lord, who entrusted us with this responsibility. 


Matthew 6:9-10 “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”


Present and engaged fathers should see their role of impacting their children’s lives and create eternal godly legacies as the highest privilege to embody the love and character of their heavenly Father. The home is the front line where this sacred work begins, where our households become outposts of discipleship, imparting truth to the next generation. 


Pastor Hamilton declares that one of the most powerful truths is that in being born again Believers, we are adopted into a God’s family as His beloved children. Through regeneration, we gain an eternal, loving Father in God Himself. He not only provides the fatherly love, guidance and security so desperately needed, but equips men to become the kind of godly fathers that represent His image to their children, as faithful, sacrificial leaders of their families. Our Creator designed men and women with equal-but-complimentary gender roles. The simple reality is that men and women were made for each other and need each other. Procreation is designed for children to be raised by both a godly mother and a godly father together in family unit to diligently strive to cultivate these as godly qualities into their children. Abba, fatherhood is of God’s design and the future of our communities.


In Christ, Brian  

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