Friday, September 15, 2023

Obey Government

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20 that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.”

The biggest struggle in any time between the fall of man in the second coming of Jesus Christ is the battle between faith and unbelief. It has happened many times throughout history, but today we live in a politically polarized time again. Pastor Noland stated in a recent American family association article that it is not easy for Christians to know what to think say or do in such confusing, secular society, and associated government. The Apostle Paul instructs in  Romans 13:1, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities, or there is authority, except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” Yet, for believers to be good citizens, you must obey God’s word. This means that we should obey the laws of our government whether we would like them or not. Whether they be speed, laws, or tax laws, or any other laws. 

When we break a law, we should not be surprised that there are consequences, for they point us to the truth that breaking god’s laws, consequences, which are far greater reaching. The Lord has establish laws and chains of command in order to facilitate order in society, family and church. We may complain about those in government office, and the laws that they make, but immoral leaders are the reward of an immoral culture. Christians are called to impact their culture for Christ’s sake, not back away into the four walls of their church and abandon society to the godless sin nature of the fallen flesh desires. Our culture is not a reflection of our leaders, but our leaders are a reflection of our culture. What else would you expect from a God-rejecting world system then to disobey and disregard the Word of God. 

Pastor Noland clarifies though that of course when it comes to obeying our leaders, there is one exception. When man’s law opposes God’s law, then we must obey the Lord’s law every time. The Christian may have duel-citizenship in Heaven and on Earth, but the Kingdom of God is our true homeland for eternity. Our love of God, results in a pure heart, a good conscious, and a sincere faith. God is the standard of righteousness, and we should want to to rise, simply because it is right in the eyes of God. That is always the right thing to do. 

Ask God to reveal any ungodly rebellion in your life and pray for a surrendered, submissive heart to His holy and just Word, Will and Way. Pray for our church leaders to move the stand by the word of God, and for our government leaders to walk in the light of godly morality and justice. Pray to demonstrate your love for God, by obedience to his divine Will and trust in His righteous Way. Pray for the Lord to give us strength to stand up against unrighteousness, immorality, and injustice as defined by His holy Word. Our politics is in the kingdom of God, so obey the government of Heaven.

In Christ, Brian

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