Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Excuses, Excuses


Matthew 5:37 “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”

When did giving a straight answer become a option? And when did it become acceptable a flat tell a bald-face lie (A blatantly obvious or impudent untruth, one in which the liar does not attempt to disguise their mendacity) with no consequences? Social engineering and social-emotional training of children has replaced raising up children with a biblical worldview, admonition of God, respect for their elders and the associated manners, morals and ethics that accompany the virtues. Proverbs 22:6 instructs us, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” We are reaping the social chaos that naturally follows the abandoning of godly lives and standard of living today. 

The secular humanistic, anti-God existential naturalism deceives the people into pride and egocentric materialism. Without the Light and authority of Truth found only in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, people walk in the darkness of a “fallen in sin” world. It takes a conscious effort to walk the “straight and narrow” path, but it leads to righteousness and joy in the Spirit (the Counselor) through this life; not to mention, the only way to eternal life in Heaven and Jesus Christ is the gate in. The godless or god made in our image way is the wide road to destruction, disgrace and disharmony; not to mention eternity in the “Lake of Fire” of Hell as the wages of sin. It is a life of deception and lies. Yet, the latter choice is easy way to go. 

We see people on both sides of an issue. One stating: “yes I did” or “yes it is”, while the other states: no,I did not” or “no it isn’t”. Clearly, one of the two is lying. Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word “lie” as: To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive, or with an immoral design. Thou hast not lied to men, but to God. Acts 5. To exhibit a false representation; to say or do that which deceives another, when he has a right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation. Honesty is the best policy and the truth must be told. 

Exodus 29:16 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

No excuses, no half-truths, no deceptions, let your yes be yes and your no be no. The truth be know, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In God We Trust.

In Christ, Brian

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