Thursday, August 4, 2022

Twelve Techniques Our Heavenly Father Planted - Part 1

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Reading and praying this morning, my wife Phyllis and I have been sharing with one another things we hear our Heavenly Father speaking, that which we see Him doing. The thought surfaced in my heart to put forth a few of the life saving techniques our Good Father has planted in our Spirit. Hope this blesses those who take the time to read it.


1. Prayer + Purity = Power

The Holy Spirit, wonderfully sent from the very throne room of our Father has, through the blood of Jesus, purchased the property of our spirit, soul and body. Be very careful what He hears you thinking, saying, seeing or listening to. Be on guard what you show Him through your eye gate. He is at home always in us so He hears, sees and experiences everything we do, say, think and see. Pray always, all the time, in every moment of every day. Consistent prayer will bring a Luke 18 answer. Not every prayer has to be prayed in the spirit of a dying dog! Consistency Consititutes Communion. The more you are there, the more you will wear the garment of Christ.


2. Procrastination Assassinates Vision

If our Heavenly Father shows us what to think, say or do, THINK IT! SAY IT! DO IT! Some messages from heaven do not need a week of prayer to decide upon. Don’t be impetuous. At the same time, don’t be slack.


3. I Don’t Care How High You Jump, As Long As You Walk Straight When You Come Down

I love all forms of worship. I love to dance before the Lord. I’ve laughed till I hurt in His joy. I’ve been face first/back first/fetal posed on the floor. I’ve jumped till I hurt. I am constrained to honor my Heavenly Father in straight living worship, guarding my heart, mouth, mind, eyes and ears. Should Jesus stop by to conduct an inspection, I want Him to be thrilled with what He finds.


4. The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength

If there is one attribute of the Spirit that the enemy of our souls wants to steal, it is our joy. Jesus brings joy. Correction! Jesus IS joy! He despised the shame of the cross but His desire for joy trumped the shame issue. See Hebrews 12. Joy is not giddy foolishness. Joy is deep, rooted in our spirit, a fire which is impossible to extinguish.


5. Onward Christian Soldiers

When your vessel has been torpedoed, when your faith has been sifted like wheat, when you are so low you could not perform a chin-up on the curb, put your pants on, buckle your belt, slide into your boots and march on. You don’t have to shout, beat a drum or proclaim the promises. As our four year old grandson states, “Just Do It!”


6. Learn To Dance On Tables

I had a dream that Jesus and I sat at picnic style tables with benches, eating lunch together. There were dozens of tables and children everywhere. The children were so happy that Jesus was there they jumped up on the tables and began to dance. I stood and rebuked them educating them on proper decorum while Jesus and I ate lunch. I explained that the tables were designed to sit and eat at, not to dance upon. Jesus corrected me and advised me to let them dance. They were expressing the joy of the Lord in the best way they knew how. Jesus brings new purpose and design to everything.

Let's continue Pastor Caman's message on twelve technics that God planted in our spirit in the next post.

In Christ, Brian

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