Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Whose Side Are You On? - Part 1


This week, Michael writes: Jesus finishes his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:1-3. He taught the people not to be judgmental of others. The Greek word of “judge” here is “krinō” and is in the present/continuous sense, meaning do not be continuously judging people. In Matthew 7:3-5, Jesus points out that we have moral and ethical issues in ourselves that we need to focus on correct also. But, in Matthew 7:6, the Lord clearly states that His followers are to judge others to not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. The skeptics and unbeliever uses Matthew 7:1-5 as a weapon to silence Christians from judging their rebellious sin against God and man by wrongly stating that Christians are not to judge any “right” or “wrong” in the eyes of the Lord thoughts, words or actions at all – being neither “salt” or “light” as the Lord commanded them to be. 


Then the Lord warned them, beware of false prophets because they will ravage the flock of the church, deviously dressed like wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus said, there are many false prophets. They speak the lies of their real father, the devil. They are ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing. Jesus said, even though they look like the sheep, you shall know the false prophets by their fruit. An evil tree produces rotten fruit. A good tree produces good fruit. He didn’t call us to judge others…. Instead he called us to inspect their fruit. An evil tree produces corrupt, rotten, and evil fruit of vanity and vain glory that leads to destruction. But a good tree produces the good fruit of the Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self control. Against such there is no law.


Jesus said, many will say, Lord, Lord did we not cast out demons and do many mighty miracles in your name? Jesus said, even though they thought they knew me, they devised a fake God in their own image and I will say unto them, depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. Their imaginary Lord that they followed doesn’t exist. Many believe in God … that God exists. Even the demons believe and tremble. 

An interviewer asked Pastor David Jeremiah, “Given the current condition of the United States, do you think God’s given up on America?” David answered, “I don’t think God’s given up on America; I think America has given up on God.” Jesus said, whosoever will may come. The open invitation is to “come unto me all ye who are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” God is no respecter of persons, nations, or people groups. He is, however, a respecter of His word. To come to the Lord is on his terms, not ours.  

In the Civil War both the Union and the Confederate armies claimed that God was on their side. To settle this dispute, someone asked President Lincoln, “Is God on the side of the North or the South.” Lincoln paused and responded thoughtfully, The question is not, “Is God on my side?” The real question is, “Am I on God’s side.” If we find ourselves far from God, who moved? When we, like the prodigal son, “come to ourselves,” then we can turn around, leave the pig pen of this world, and to return to our Father. When we realize that “in my flesh dwells no good thing,” when we come to the end of ourselves and realize we are “poor in spirit,” destitute, deprived and depraved, then we can do an about-face repentance to return to the Lord. 
Whose Side Are You On?

Let's continue Michael's message about being on God's side in the next post.

In Christ, Brian

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