Thursday, September 2, 2021

Healing and Wholeness – Part 2

Psalm 103:1-5a “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things.”


Pastor Herk continues that the wages of sin is death. We deserve harsh punishments for our sins and there are natural consequences for the sins that we commit against God, but the repentant “born again” Christian has forgiveness through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ in their place when they by faith surrender their life at the foot of the Cross. Psalm 103:10-12 goes on to say, “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Praise Almighty God, Jesus paid it all. Exalt the Lord and Savior of the world. God makes a difference.


Each day, you need to pray and hear God’s voice, feel Him ministering to your need, and know the wholeness and restoration that He brings to your life. Miraculous change through God’s supernatural work happens because He opens doors that cannot be opened. Ask the Lord what in your life He wants to change in order to experience the peace, power and purpose that He can give us. Jesus’ disciples did not fully understand the Gospel mission and message until the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost and transformationally filled their lives. Today, the “born again” Believer is given the indwelling Holy Spirit, but we need to allow Him to work within us. The Holy Spirit took sinners of all walks of life and transformingly united them into the body of Believers that we called the Christian church. We are the church. 


Are you willing to be changed from the inside out? Are you willing to be obedient followers of the Lord Jesus Christ? The fallen world out there needs godly change and healing. Our local community needs godly change and healing. Our families need godly change and healing. You and I need godly change and healing. We need a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit on our world, community, families and self today; the power of God to energize and enable us.


Everywhere we look in the world today, we see hurt, turmoil, stress and confusion. Chaos exists today because we have not allow the Holy Spirit to work in our world, communities, families and self, and have pulled away from God in our lives. We are facing the consequences of having no moral compass, moral relativism, lawlessness and rejection of God. We have to turn this world around with repentance and spiritual revival. It starts with the Christian church. God has called His church to pray and make a godly difference. People listen when you tell them the truth.   


How many people do we come into contact daily who have needs? Behind every door there is a human need. All have been hurt sometime. All have been used by someone at some time. All have failed at something before. We all need the healing and the wholeness restored that only a relationship with Jesus Christ can give us because He alone is the Way, the Trust and the Life. We are Christ’s church and Christ is the head of the body of Believers, which are His disciples. Daily seek out, be transformed and filled with God’s power through the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t look at the outward appearance of a person; He sees what is in their heart. Pray God, make us see people, including ourselves, through Your eyes. 


We tend to think that we do not need to change on the inside (mind, will and emotions); just the outside appearance. But, you cannot judge a book by its cover. We like to think that we are “okay” and fine the way we are. Yet in our fallen flesh sin nature, there is a lot inside us that needs to change in order to be Christ-like and righteous (right in the eyes of the Lord) in our thoughts, desires and actions. Jesus said in Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Sanctification is the process of perfecting and perfection is the goal in which the Christian strives to reach by godly and obedient growth and maturity, but we are not perfect until glorification in Heaven. We can tend to be egocentric and “watch out for number one”; too proud.


We can tend to want to misinterpret or bend God’s Word to fit our selfish personal desires. We can tend to fail to share the Gospel of Salvation and our faith in God because we are self-conscience and timid about what people would think of you. As “born again” Believers, children of God, citizens of the kingdom of Heaven and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have been converted, regenerated and transformed in justification, but there is plenty of room for improvement and you still need to change daily in the process of sanctification until the day of glorification. We need to become more and more the people that God designed and desires us to be; less and less the fallen people that we (by our sin nature) want to be. The Holy Spirit can transform our heart desires (simple, complex or miraculous), if we allow Him to. To be confidence, at peace, clear, enlightened, closer to God and living godly lives, then allow the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh and to change you into the person that God calls us to be.   


Prayer is powerful. Everyone needs prayer for healing in some are of their life. Everyone has something wrong in their life that they could use pray for. Everyone needs a touch from God in their life to remove sin and be restored. Everyone needs the healing hand of Jesus Christ (the Great Physician) to make them whole again. Through God, all things are possible, according to His perfect and sovereign will.   


In Christ, Brian

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