Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Parent's Prayer


Larri said...

Amen! :)

My sister & I were just speaking this AM of how our children are not ours. They are His creation, His gift to us. It's hard to absorb that sometimes; yet when I do, it's when my heart is full of Him...with gratitude & praise for bestowing me with such preciousness.

Brian Ray Todd said...

Larri, I find it essential to meditate, ponder and wonder on the details of life by Creator God, and discuss to absorb truth. It's great that you and your sister discuss spiritual matters of life. The issue of our children is no less essential because our Maker created "the family" unit through the procreation process. Everyone, ultimately, belongs to Father God, Creator of the Universe, so in that sense we are not our own though have been given a "free will"). So, you are right on a foundational level in saying that our children are not ours, but His and we must care and raise them (teach and train them up by God's biblical standards and statutes), in which we have been entrusted as parents. But on a mortal creation level, these children are ours (as parents) and nobody else's on earth. God's breath of life with the human parent's egg and sperm form a new person with DNA passed down from the parent to their offspring. Children are biologically created through their parents. Together these two levels working simultaneously in creation forms what you call: "They are His creation, His gift to us." God confirms the position in his fifth of the Ten Commandments. Our parental position to our children mirrors our Father in heaven's parental position. We should see both levels of parent positions (God's and our's) and be the best parent that we can be, with (as you say) a heart that is full of Him...with gratitude & praise for bestowing me with such preciousness.