Sunday, January 26, 2014

"God Be With Ye" Pastor Jason Jahn

1 Corinthians 7:17 “As God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches.”

For five years, Pastor JJ has shepherded a flock in central Anaheim, California. He re-baptized my wife and I to join this congregation. He married both of our sons here. He showed us how to hold a great Bible Study and delivered outstanding Sermons that challenged the members and visitors alike to step out of their comfort-zones, dig deeper into their faith relationship with the Lord and reach out beyond obstacles to reach this and the next generation for Christ. He married the love of his life within this sanctuary and started his family in front of our eyes. He pointed to the Words of Holy Scripture for our compass in life, to the foot of the Cross for forgiveness of Sin and the hand of Father God for purpose and true relationship, then reflected his heart for the Lord towards the children of God, the unsaved culture and community within our touch, and the work that our sovereign Creator was doing among us, in this time, for this community. A mission of "Knowing Christ and making Him known" and living out the true Christian life daily, while keeping the eternal perspective that we are citizens of heaven in the Kingdom of God.

Today, is Pastor Jason's last Sunday sermon here. His horizons have expanded as God has opened a door and called him and his family to a new flock that will be blessed by his faithful pastoring and pasturing, as he feeds Gods sheep in Hesperia, California. The word "good-bye" is an old English contraction of the phase "God be with ye" and that is exactly what we wish for this honorable "Man of God". Godspeed to you, as you bloom where you are planted.

In Christ, Brian 


child of God said...

It sure is tough having to let a pastor go. You sure do have a lot of good memories with him and all these wonderful blog posts to reflect on. I will keep Pastor J.J. in my prayer and you and your congregation as well.


Brian Ray Todd said...

Child of God. The entire congregation and I appreciate your prayers during this transition in pastoral leadership and shepherding that the Lord is providing. And the Pastors of Pastor JJ and his dear family. As president of the ministry board, I need Holy Spirit guidance and and wisdom from above to lead this calling process, as the Lord's will be done for the advancement of the kingdom of heaven. I truly cherish your prayers. Blessings sister in Christ. Thank you for the comment and your faithful support.

child of God said...

You are welcome. We too are in search for a pastor and have been looking for the past 10 months. Our pastor went through the door into Father's presence last March. I know how much prayer is needed here and will just keep you and your church in my prayers as I pray for our team.

Father knows who this man is and I will be praying for Him to shut the doors on the men He doesn't want and to open the door for the man He does want with unity in decision for all on the pulpit committee and in voting.
