Sunday, January 6, 2019

Indescribable Peace

 Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

I’ve always loved listen to the “Thru the Bible” broadcasts of the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee in his five year program to read and explain the entire Bible. In addition to the radio programs, Pastor McGee wrote commentaries unpacked the true meaning of the Scriptures with life applications. In their monthly magazine, they published a great study on the above Bible passage. McGee wrote that the verse state to “worry” about nothing; “Pray” about everything. That this is a direct commandment, not a suggestion. Most of us will admit to our shame that we worry. We know the Bible says it’s wrong, even sinful, but we still, by nature, do it. Here’s the opportunity to change our ways. Instead of worrying; let’s pray about everything. And the result? Peace.

McGee points out that Holy Scripture speaks of any kinds of peace. Someday we will have “world peace” through the person of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Also, Habakkuk 2:14 says that someday, peace will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Today, Romans 5:1 makes clear that we have peace from the forgiveness of sins. From John 14:27, we can also know peace that feels like tranquility. That is a marvelous peace. But none of these are the peace mentioned here in Philippians 4:7. This supernatural peace cannot be described or articulated. It “surpasses all understanding.” This is a peace that sweeps over the souls while we are in the troubles and trials of life. This peace gives us confidence, irrespective of the circumstances. We have confidence that things are going to work out for our own good and God’s glory.

McGee clarifies that this same peace enables us to face life full on, stand on the wide deck of life and know it makes no difference how hard the winds blow or how high the waves roll. For the peace “will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. This peace “guards” our hearts and minds. This peace of God is like a sentinel on duty around our hearts and minds, protecting and keeping us in life’s most worrisome trials. Have you noticed what happen? We entered this passage with anxiety and worry. We come out now in peace. Between the two is prayer.

Have things changed? No, the problem is still there. The storm is still there. The storm still rages, the waves still roll high, the thunder still resounds – nothing has changed outside, but the one who is praying has changed inside. Something has happened to our soul, moving us from a place of worry to a place where God’s peace now controls our heart and life. You’ve heard it said: Prayer changes things. McGee is convinced that the primary purpose of prayer is not to change things but to change us. We think prayer is a faucet we can turn on to get our of it anything we want. Or it’s a magical, mystical hocus pocus to make our problems disappear. That’s not prayer.

McGee details that prayer is when we go to our heavenly Father, tell Him everything, and then let Him take over. Once we take our hands off, God begins to move – not necessarily on the things outside, but inside our private hearts and lives. The things He’s concerned about is changing our hearts. Oh, this is the treasure of “real” prayer that God invites you into today! Real prayer changes your heart. It brings your thinking, your will, your plan, and your purposes into alignment with the will of God, the plan of God and the purposes of God. Prayer does that!

Most of us stand on the fringe of prayer. We never really enter in. We never come as a child with absolute simplicity and absolute faith to our Father in heaven, knowing He will hear and answer us in he best way possible. Sat to Him, “Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief. Help me to enjoy that wonderful intimacy with You in prayer. Help me to enter into the glorious privilege of talking to You, my omnipotent, omniscient Father who know what is best for me.”

When you pray like that, my friend, not only will He hear you, but He will rush to help you, to guard you with perfect peace that is indescribable, that no one understands. Don’t worry; Pray.


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