Thursday, July 12, 2018

Children of God

1 John 3:1 “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”

I read a very thought-provoking and applicable article by Christian author Ted Tripp while on vacation that I’d like to share with you today, as I believe that the points brought out in this teaching will help us understand the elements of the concept to better apply in our daily life. Tripp explains that Holy Scripture uses various metaphors to describe the Christian’s relationship with God. God is the Creator; we are creatures. He is the Vine; we are the branches. He is the King; we are His subjects. He is the Shepherd; we are His sheep. He is the Potter; we are the clay. He is the Physician; we are the sickly ones. He is our Captain; we are soldiers of the cross. Each of these metaphors conveys a truth that is valuable for understanding ourselves and God.

Ephesians 5:1 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.”

In Ephesians 5:1, Paul reminds us of sonship and daughtership. We are “beloved children.” Father and beloved child is one of the most precious metaphors for our relationship with God. When Jesus teaches us to pray, He says, “Our Father,” not “our Captain,” not “our King” or not even “our Shepherd,” but “our Father.” We are His children by adoption. The privilege of being a beloved child of the Almighty God is amazing. To be healed is wonderful. To be forgiven is glorious. To be a Believer is marvelous. But to be a child of God, a beloved child; there is intimacy in that metaphor. Think of the privileges of being a beloved child of God:

A child is always loved and accepted in the family. A boss can fire an employee, but you cannot fire your child. Parents love their children with eagerness and endurance. A parent can always find qualities in their beloved child that no one else is able to see. As God’s child you are accepted. And in addition to adoption as children of God, an associated fact of Salvation is that there is no condemnation in Christ. Christ has given you a new sinless record. He is not deciding day by day whether to accept you. That transaction was already accomplished in the life and atoning death of Jesus Christ.

A child has unfettered access to his parent. He can come into his parents’ room in the
middle of the night and awaken them with a report of a bad dream. An employee never
has that kind of access to the employer. Even the best boss in the world does not want you to awaken him in the middle of the night with your personal problems. But a dearly loved child has access. Prayer is a conversation with your Heavenly Father. We can come to our Father day or night and He will always care and listen. We have immediate, personal access to the Almighty God of the universe.

God is a refuge for and protector of His beloved children. A fearful child naturally runs to their parent and feels safe in their arms. Just as a parent naturally desires to protect and shelter their child, God is our refuge and protector. He is never overbearing, but He is always present. In the valley of the shadow of death, in the presence of our enemies, fear not. Father God is our refuge, our protector and our provider.

God’s beloved children are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. We can live with the confidence
and poise of people who inherit eternal blessings from the largess and generosity of our Father. We are beloved children of God in Christ. What a privilege. May we always live in that fact.

Child of God, you are blessed.

1 comment:

Paul G said...

Hi Brian, you must be a fervent blogger, to even blog on your vacation :-)

You said, “Father and beloved child is one of the most precious metaphors for our relationship with God.”

Well, I thougt that we are DNA children of God just as Adam was a DNA son of God (Luke 3:38).
A son must have the Y-line DNA to trace him back to God (Adam). If the Y-line DNA traces him to the serpent, then the serpent would be his father and not the first Adam nor the second Adam Jesus Christ.