Saturday, April 14, 2018

God-Breathed Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

I read a small article on how the God-breathed Scriptures, the Word of God relates to the physical act of breathing and speech in human life. The article states that human beings speak with their mouths as their breath moves across their vocal cords, causing the cords to vibrate and produce sounds that are formed into letters and words by our lips, tongue and teeth. There is a breathing out that has to take place for speech, and understanding this helps us to understand Paul’s point in the above Bible verse. Holy Scripture, he tells us, results from God’s breathing out in speech. This is a rather clear way of saying that Scripture is the very speech of God. It is His Word.

They point out that the Greek word translated as “breathed out” in 2 Timothy 3:16 is “theopneustos”, and Scripture is the only thing described as such by the Apostle Paul. Thus, Scripture has a unique character as the voice and words of the Lord. It uniquely serves as God’s special revelation, as His inspired and revealed Will for His people. Nothing else today is like “theopneustos”, so we can point to nothing but Scripture as the Word of God.

When we speak of Scripture as “theopneustos”, we are pointing to its divine inspiration. The Word of God written is identical to God’s speech. It is exactly what He intended us to have as the revelation of His Will and how to please Him. God breathed out His Word, but He did so through the instrumentality of His prophets and Apostles. It is God’s Word, given by Him. Verbal inspiration means that inspiration pertains to the very words themselves, not just some of them. Plenary inspiration means that all the words of Scripture are given by God, not just some of them. No, God spoke it all, using the distinct style of each human author to give us His Word for all of life.

Blessings in the God-breathed Scriptures, the very Word of God.

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