Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Source - Part 1

Mark 7:14-15 “[Jesus] called the people to Him again and said to them, ‘Hear me, all of you, and understand. There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.’”

I once heard a story, based upon this passage, of an American College Professor who was found at a late night campus party using recreational drugs with some students to get an intoxicatingly “high”, who once caught in the act quoted this (above) Bible passage as a declaration of approval for his sinful behavior, even though it is expressly forbidden in Scripture (i.e. “Pharmacia” in Galatians 5:19-21) and clearly states that those who practice such a lifestyle shall not inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Is it not uncommon for sinful mankind to distort and take the Word of God out of context in order to do whatever we want, whenever we want. The Israelite Pharisees and scribes did other extreme by adding to the Mosaic commandments with an extra system of regulations developed by their desire to not break God’s law. In both cases, they are a zeal with true knowledge or obedience, and end up ignoring the Lord’s design for true moral purity. No matter how we twist or piggy-back Holy Scripture, the question is; “What is the original intent?”

The Lord Jesus taught that true cleanness pertains not to outer matters – what we put into our bodies – but to what comes from within. What goes on outwardly to take things into the body or mind is a reflection of the person’s heart towards both God and self. An article that I read explains that Christ instructed His disciples (including us today) that externals could not make one truly clean or unclean. All these identified unclean and sinful things and practices in Holy Scripture of the Word of God were never meant to be seen as things that could render one permanently and irrevocably unclean before God. So, what is the point? I think that there are a few. (1) There is a God and He’s not me or you. God defines Sin – want is “Right” in the eyes of the Lord and what is Sinful - “Wrong” in the eyes of the Lord. God is on the throne of Heaven, reigning and ruling the cosmos and our life. Sin is sin and wrong is wrong. (2) You can’t beat a dead horse. The wages of Sin is death (Romans 6:23), we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), and we are already condemned, defiled, and spiritually dead by our sin (John 3:18). Physically or spiritually, dead is dead and sin is the source of defilement.

(3) We cannot save ourselves by works or earn our way to heaven. Dead people can do nothing. A pastor friend of mine once said that if you put a suit on a pig, then you have a pig in a suit that still wants, in its heart, to get back in the pigsty, meaning that if you clean up the outward appearance without a “born again”, transformation inwardly, then you’ve really gone nowhere. (4) Our dead and helpless state in sin is meant to drive us to the foot of the cross for redemption, regeneration and salvation. God’s law, though perfect, was given to teach sinners an important lesson – God’s demands for purity extend to all of life and are so exacting that we cannot make ourselves clean. We are not perfect or able, but God is. Only God can make us clean, and that requires a radical transformational change – even a new heart. We need the gift of God as the source of reconciliation and restoration. Repent and seek God’s transformed power and work in your heart through saving faith in Jesus Christ, then instead of saying: “I will not lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, kill, lust, hate, get “high” on recreational drugs, etc.” because it is wrong, from the heart we will say: “Why would I lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, kill, lust, hate, get “high” on recreational drugs, etc.? It’s no longer my nature with my new heart from God and a regenerated spirit led by and walking with the Holy Spirit.”

God is not primarily concerned about external matters; He is most concerned about our hearts. External actions often manifest inner realities, but it is also true that we can act in a way that does not match the true thoughts of our hearts. As followers of Christ, we are to be concerned that we not only do the right things in the eyes of the Lord, but that we do them for the right reason – for the glory of God. Good and godly things will naturally follow.

In Christ, Brian

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