Friday, October 21, 2016

Ignite! - Part 1

This week Michael writes: We look for the mountaintop experiences in life.  However, we're built for the battle in the valley of human need to which God has called us.  It's the staying quality that matters.  From life's valley of humiliation we reach up for God to rescue us from pain and shame.  From the valley of humiliation God will remove all doubt...His power is made perfect in our weakness.  According to Psalm 34:18-19, “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”

Peter Kling's grand daughter Leslie, a police officer, was recently murdered in the line of duty.  She and her family Jack, and Zachary, had just bought a new home in Hemet last year.  Peter shared a message about seeing his grand daughter again in her "father's mansion" where he as prepared a place for her.  

The catastrophes of life drive us to our knees.  These trying times cause us to run to the Lord and not away from him.  Humiliation steals our sense of value that our earthly life amounts to anything.  In the valley of humiliation the adversary will beat us down.  The devil will remind me that in my flesh there is no good thing.  However, Jesus said, come to me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  God made children to be afraid of the dark.  However there is nothing worse than grown men who fear the light.  For the light came into the world and men rejected the light because their deeds were evil. God sent his son to rescue us from the darkness.  

The theme of this weekend's men's retreat is "Ignite."  Prayer, studying the word, and fellowship with our brothers in Christ provides the fuel for igniting our hearts.  The spiritual warfare gives us the purpose for prayer.  Prayer and the Word of God are God's offensive weapons in the spiritual battle.  Spiritual revolutions are worked through the power of prayer.  Praying men are God's mighty men, empowered with hearts on fire ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit.  

Let's continue Michael's message "ignite" on the next post.
In Christ, Brian


Karen said...

Very inspiring message. I want to protect my grown children from all the hurts and hardships of life, but it's true, that we draw nearer to God during those times, and we draw from His strength, not our own. I look forward to Part 2 of your message.

Brian Ray Todd said...

Thank you Karen. Great comment! It's hard to believe that we actually grow from our hardships, but it is true because we gain experience and knowledge. God works that way with us, and if we realize that fact, then we can say in the face of trials: "i wonder what I am going to learn this time."