Thursday, October 2, 2014

Humble Secrecy – Part 2

 Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. But, the purpose always is that we let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven - Matt. 5:16.

Pastor Rick explains that this includes our prayer life. Prayer is a conversation between us and God; not meant for the praise of others. The Lord knows our prayers before we say them, so the prime benefactor of prayer is us. We need to pray in true relationship with our heavenly Father for our benefit, peace and well-being. Long, elaborate, elegant prayers in public, intentionally given to impress others with how godly we are is never right in the eyes of God. Jesus’ work on the Cross for our Salvation is finished, so we need to be natural, simple and transparent in our thoughts, words and deeds. Our humble prayers should include the words: “I am sorry that I am not like you Lord; please help me be more like you daily.” Never: “I glad that I am not as bad as others.” Remember, that except by the grace of God, there walk I. We are all sinners saved by the grace of God alone. This world is not about “us verses them”. Position, power, pomp, or popularity of sinners is not the Lord’s concern. Our house and property, our car and toys, our job and salary, our restaurants and entertainment choices, or the coffee we drink is not His goal. God desires, out of love and mercy, to lift us out of the Pit of Hell and have a close, intimate personal relationship with us.

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Pastor Rick makes it clear that we live for an audience of One. Why are we going to church today? Is it to seek the presence of our Father God or is it “the right thing to do” on our list of activities we feel that we should be doing? Putting on a “good front” means that there is nothing behind it and therefore is “empty’. God asks: Are you holy like Me? Are you following my Son? Are you shining the light of the gospel into the darkness of sin and unbelief that others may find forgiveness at the foot of the Cross? Picture yourself being made clean, white as snow, holy and blameless through our Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, and then you, Child of God, cannot help but give all the glory to God for taking away our sin, replaced His wrath with His love, changed our address from hell to heaven, regenerated our spirit, and restored our soul. Our good works before others are really our lifting up of Jesus in every area of our life.  It is in humble secrecy that we give the greatest glory to God because it is truly for an audience of One.

In Christ, Brian 


child of God said...

Hi Brian,
I love this..."we live for an audience of One." Thank you, I really needed to be reminded of this truth. I have been feeling very inadequate when it comes to my prayers in public and private. I pray with a group of people who have very elegant words and their prayers are so beautiful. Then comes mine, choppy and all over the place. It is good to remember that we are here for God and for Him alone. It is His opinion that matters not what others think.

Thanks for sharing.


Brian Ray Todd said...

I think that I am a lot like you Child of God, in that all these great veterans of the faith pray these prayers with very elegant words, and though I am an Elder in the church and established Lay-Teacher in the ministry, my public prayers for groups are "unrefined & unpolished", so I restore to "authentic & from the heart" honesty. Not that those other mature Christians' prayer are not ... it is me that lacks the sophistication and style of public speaking. but, as you say, it is for the Lord and opening or closing groups with prayer is right, and since the Lord looks at the heart, we know that our heavenly Father is please ... like a father to his child, which is exactly what we are. I'm happy that this post of Pastor Rick's sermon blessed you.