Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Remember – Part 2

Psalm 33:10-11 The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.

Indian-born, Canadian-American Christian apologist elucidates: “After we went through the period of rationalists and then the empiricists, and then the existentialists; the rationalists preoccupied with mind and truth, the empiricists preoccupied with science and truth, the existentialist with feelings, emotions and truth, the postmodernist comes and throws all of them out.

Dr. Tackett explains that “Postmodernism” is the contemporary philosophical perspective that rejects both revelation and reason – takes this process to an extreme conclusion by denying the validity of all comprehensive truth systems, or what it calls “metanarratives” (an over-arching story, philosophy or world-view that seeks to explain reality), including Christianity. Simply stated, the postmodern perspective maintains that there is no “larger story”. Instead, everyone must tell his or her own story and invent (if possible) his or her own concept of meaning and significance. In other words, history does not exist at all except as it exists in our minds, where it can bee edited and tailored to further our own goals and meet our own needs in the present. When you begin to destroy any sense of belonging to a larger story and it’s simply about you, then we lose any kind of connection with the answer to the question: “What is the meaning of life?”  If the meaning of life begins with us, then our purpose is shallow. Much of our problem is that we want to be in control with the script of our life, but if we trust in our ability, instead of God, then we would have no hope. But, they have forgotten the reality that Creator God is sovereign and in control. Remember, the reality is that you and I have been created as free agents, yet we are also subject to the sovereignty of God.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

The Mayflower Compact, written by the Pilgrims, starts: “in the name of God Amen. We whose names are underwritten, having undertaken , for the glory is God, and advancement of the Christian faith, a voyage to plant the first colony …”. William Bradford, one of the Pilgrim Fathers and the leader of the Plymouth Colony in America wrote of the Pilgrims: “Their desires were set on the ways of God, and to enjoy His ordinances; but they rested on His Providence and knew whom they had believed. They cherished the great hope and inward zeal of laying good foundations, or at least of making some way towards it, for the propagation and advance of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in the remote parts of the world, even though they should be but stepping stones to others in the performance of so great a work.”  You cannot live like this, unless you are caught up in God’s grand story! It is not about us, but about God and what He is doing (His purpose and plan). Remember, You and I will not find rest in our own story, but in God’s, because we are all a part of His story.

In Christ, Brian


Undergroundpewster said...

The "Me Generation" has become the "Us Generation" where "us" is whoever is the social or media favorite interest group or cause of the day.

While the Bible shows that God's plan and hope is for "me" and for "us" to be reconciled, forgiven, and loved, the postmodern view is that there is no plan other than our that of our own creation. One problem with postmodern thought is that human plans are constantly changing, and there is no point of trying to even formulate a plan if it will only be changed by the next fad. The stories of the ancient Hebrews also show us time and time again that "us" are stiff necked, stubborn, and are always choosing to go off the path. By denying the existance of God's plan, postmodernism is leading "us" into the wilderness without a Promised Land to look forward to.

Brian Ray Todd said...

Great point UG. Back-in-the-day, when I didn't know or understand as much about why people thought the way that they did and acted as they did. I couldn't see the contrast in biblical verses secular existential world philosophy views that guided our thinking and living, but through study and teachings that illuminates them as natural consequences of godly belief verses sinful unbelief in the holy and sovereign God of the cosmos. When "the created creator" denies and disobeys the Creator then "living for self, "living for the day", and "living in the moment". There is no plan, no past and no future on the wide road to destruction, just eternal death. But, there is eternal life in Jesus Christ, so the child of God must tell the blind, lost and dying world about the "Good News" of God's plan of Salvation. Thank you for writing Pewster.