Friday, November 15, 2013

Life on Earth: Evolution by Natural Selection or Creator God?

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 

I’m continuing on with the second portion of our church’s Wednesday night series on seeking truth through Theology and Apologetics overview lesion on Creation verses Evolution that I facilitated last Wednesday night.

The book that centered the debate was “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”, by Charles Darwin, was published November 24, 1859.

Darwin’s theory of evolution presented an atheistic philosophy and idealism for the “origin” of life, claiming that the combination of lifeless inert space, long periods of time and chance could produce life. He theorized that all life is came from one common (simple single cell) ancestor the evolved over millions of years into every living creature and variation through a “survival of the fittest” process called natural selection that would take the random chances that were most helpful to an organism’s survival. Basically, stating that there is a quantitative, but no qualitative distinction between animals and man. This hypostasis falls short in three areas ...

1.      The Fossil Record. It won’t support evolution and is actually against evolution. Animals appear abruptly and without transitional forms in the oldest rock layer – called the Cambrian period. 100 million fossils and no progression. The “missing link” is still missing.

2.      Micro-Evolution verses Macro-Evolution. Micro-evolution is small changes within a species. (Example: Dogs of every size, color and shape, but all dogs). Macro-evolution is one species turning into or producing a totally different species of animal. The evidence of macro-evolution is completely missing. But, Evolutionist take the evidence of micro-evolution and use it as proof of macro-evolution (example: Darwin’s Finches).

3.      Explaining Life’s enormous biological complexity. No evolutionist has been able to propose a plausible way that such intricate structures (like a seeing eye) could have arisen randomly. Even at the microscopic level with DNA (with coded information) within the not-so-single cell. Random chance alone cannot produce life, and the various species. What we see in nature is “intelligent design” and the unmistakable fingerprints of our Creator God.

For Evolution, what should be there is not there, but what shouldn’t be there is.  There is not gaps in the theory of evolution; there is no evidence. Charles Darwin said himself: “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organism existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Origin of Species

Isaiah 45:18 For this is what the Lord says — he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.”

Some Evolutionists proclaim that all Scientist believe in Macro-Evolution for the origin of life on Earth, but the fact is that 40% of all Scientists are Bible believing Creationists.  I’ve met a few. Also, the “Scientific Method”, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, experimentation, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses, was developed by Christian Creationist Francis Bacon. Major Fields of Science were established by Biblical Creationist Scientists. (examples: Bacteriology by Louis Pasteur, Celestial Mechanics by Johann Kepler, Chemestry by Robert Boyle, Computer Science by Charles Babbage, Dynamics by Issac Newton, Electro Magnetics by Michael Faraday, Energetics by Lord Kelvin, Galactic Astronomy by William Herschel, Genetics by James Simpson, Hydraulics by Leonardo Da Vinci, Hydrostatics by Blaise Pascal, Ichthyology by Louis Agassiz, Isotopic Chemistry by William Ramsay, Natural History by John Ray, Oceanography by Matthew Maury, Optica Mineralology by David Brewster, Paleontology by John Woodward, Pathology by Rudolph Virchow, Stratigraphy by Nicholas Steno, Thermodynamics by Lord Kelvin and Thermokinetics by Humphrey Davy to name a few. And many notable inventions, discoveries and developments in the filed of Science were by Bible-Believing Creationist Scientists also. The Bible is not a textbook of Science, Newton said that Science was “Thinking God’s thoughts after Him.” Science is about investigating the natural world, not asking questions like: Is there a God? or Why are we here?

The “social” consequences of Darwinistic evolution is that explaining “life” by impersonal natural processes, ultimately leads to morality being whatever we want it to be. It is well documented the Nazism developed out of social Darwinistic evolution beliefs. The Columbine High School shooter is also well documented as acting out of social Darwinism. In the final analysis, evolution says that there is no Creator God and when you die, that will be the end of us, so you might as well do whatever you want to do. Life, ultimately, has no meaning, no purpose, no reason, no significance, no worth and no value without God. Stephen Jay Gould stated: “Homo sapiens are a tiny twig on an improbable branch of a contingent limb on a fortunate tree.”  Meaningless life?

Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

The Naturalistic Darwinian Evolution Theory is the only view of human origins allowed in American Public Schools and taught as a fact. It is against the law to inform students that there are scientific challenges to evolution. An origin is a study of ultimate things. The theory of Evolution is a religion, as an alternate Theology. But Charles Darwin stated: “A fair result can only be obtained by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question. To present both sides of this is the only way to come to a fair result.” - Origin of Species. Where does the evidence lead? Why aren’t all facts and arguments on the table? We’ll get to that on our third part of this lesson.

Isaiah 45:12 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.

In Christ, Brian

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