Saturday, October 1, 2011


Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. What about ... in these days ... here and now?

Have we turned into a disposable society, where life, relationships, and faith are taken so lightly. I was talking to a Christian co-worker that said that he believes that our egocentric pagan culture has been indoctrinated and bought into the notion that “we deserve it” … whatever we want, with no limit, which has created a immoral code that (as Alliance Defense Fund President Alan Sears states) is contaminating minds with a endless torrent of anti-God, and anti-Christian propaganda, in the battle between faith & unbelief. Are we starting to reap the results of decades of a force-fed unbiblical diet of Darwinistic evolution, pre-marital sex, abortion, socialism, selfish disrespect for authority, and entitlement? Not only have we lost sight of the gospel massage that God has a plan to forgive and save, but we have lost sight of God and living focused on ourselves. But the One who creates also reigns and rules, and the heavens & the Earth are His. In the eyes of God Almighty, we are entitled alright, for our willful disobedience, unfaithfulness and rejection, but God's plan of redemption and salvation is knocking at our hearts door, for the blessed life.

It's "right" to obey God. Not see how close to the edge of the cliff without falling, or to the line of God's standards without crossing. We want God to bless the flesh and our disobedience; wanting blessing without obedience, as we live in compromise of His Holy Word, Will & Way. We want to go to heaven, but we want to be the lord of our life and follow our own flesh desires and rules ... what is right in our own eyes. We prove, time and again, that we do not understand the complexity of God, or the seriousness of Sin. Never under-estimate the consequences that result from our acts of disobedience. Victories & trials, good times and bad, are to train us and mature our faith, improve our life through life experiences by developing knowledge and associated wisdom, shape our perspective an, ultimately, to give praise to the living God and bring Him honor, to trust in His presence and follow Him. May we see that light of truth in this dark age and act upon it in righteousness, shining that light of the gospel of Christ, by our godly life, into the darkness.

Know that God goes before us and prepares the way. God’s grace, out of unmerited love towards the sinner, provides salvation to the Sinner though Jesus Christ alone, transforms hearts, changes lives; making a way to be "right" with God, to those who repent, believe and accept the free gift. Two things I have learned are that there is a God and He is not me. In the words of songwriters Glenn Frey and Don Henley: "This big, bad world doesn't owe us a thing!" The sense of entitlement in our sin nature is, at the root, pure pride and causing chaos in our self-centered society. Who serves who? Look around and see what godless, lawlessness has produced.

Proverbs 21:2 People may be right in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their heart.

Justice is getting what we deserve ... getting what we are entitled to for our willful disobedience. Mercy is not getting what we deserve . Grace is getting what we do not deserve. Realize what we all deserve for sinning against the "Just & Holy" Creator God. Understand God's love and unmerited grace to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins with His life on that cross to redeem us because we were helpless to pay ourselves. Believe, repent & accept the free gift of forgiveness & salvation, if you have not already. Appreciate, with a life of praise, honor, glory and thanksgiving, in trusting obedience, in dedicated discipleship, and in devotedly serving the Lord in His work of redemption in this world, this side of Heaven (our eternal home). Make a difference.

Titus 2:11-13 For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, 13 while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.

In Christ, Brian

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