Monday, August 1, 2011


Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

As I'm on a whirl-wind tour of the mid-West visiting family, it comes to mind that "blood is thicker than water". Family ties are the idea and creation of God Almighty for the stability of mankind in this cycle-of-life that He has placed us in this time and place in history, called our walk & watch. Some would argue that "it takes a village", but I think that the Maker was right when Genesis 1:31 said: "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." The love of your child, your parents, your grand-parents, Uncles, Aunts and cousins is powerful to the mind, body and soul because it is natural bonds, and marriage (when by God's design) makes two into one in heart to create this godly family process.

It is sad when we realize that we are losing our older generation, and truly need to cherish and honor our parents and grand-parents (great & great great, if we are lucky) with the time that we have left with them on earth. The Ten Commandments include "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." But all the commandments, if written upon our hearts, are natural thoughts and actions of a godly life. Why wouldn't I honor my father and my mother? Just as, "Why would I murder, lie, steal, cheat, covet, et cetera. We, far too often, take for granted our family, and put others, other things and self in front of the relationships that matter in a healthy, satisfying, and fruitful life.

Friends are nice, a great part of life, but they are not a substitute for family. There aredifferent personalities involved and "black sheep", but I believe that God made this combination within the family to teach us to deal with it (by His standards), so we could not hide in the comfortible confides of "like-mindedness", but grow and mature as children of God in the diversity and confrontations of family; the critical part of the "Great Commision - Matthew 28:18-20 "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

There is an old saying that goes: "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your neighbors, and you can pick your nose, but you can not pick your family. So take some time and enjoy them. Touch them with the love of Christ. Speak the truth in love to them, even if they don't want to hear it because of darkness rejecting light. Throw a flare in their live out of love and care. But don't let the time go, because we will only have missed opportunities when either they or you are gone. God made family, so rejoice in it.

In Christ, Brian


Undergroundpewster said...

Amen brother.

child of God said...

Hi Brian,
What a beautiful post! I am very sentimental and family is a dear treasure to me. I agree with you that we need to cherish our families.

Enjoy your time with the ones you love.


Brian Ray Todd said...

It's good when we take the time to step back and look at this life ... and by the Word, Will And Way of God, align our thoughts, words and deeds with His. The world, that does not know the LORD, takes the only way that they know ... towards self, and mixwd messages on family saturate our culture and society. We need to stay in the Word of God and in prayer constantly for His guidance and our life walk, both pleasing to His eyes and joyful in our heart. Thanks for the great comments. Blessings.