Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Does It Mean to Be A Disciple?

John 8:31-32 “ Jesus said to the people who had believed him, “ You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

I always want to know the truth and the full context of what things mean, so that I may have the “most” complete understanding of whatever subject that I am learning or trying to comprehend, especially in the spiritual teachings of the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. This “living” Word of God is life’s instruction manual for the “abundant life” that everyone is looking, so desperately, for … it is the “Book of Life”, for today and eternity. Read it and study it; live by “the Word” and be blessed.

I love digging for and seeking out the definition and getting meaning of individual words in the Bible verses ... a “word’ study. A guest speaker at our Sunday worship service, this week, brought up how the church uses many words that are not used in everyday language, which can cause an obstacle to those who do not know the Lord, to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By explaining the message plainly & simply, we make the way easy for others to see, understand and know the “good news” of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit may open their eyes to the truth and speak to their heart, so that they may make a choice to accept the ‘free gift” of Eternal Life offered by God and be a disciple of the Lord. The “Great Commission” that Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 tells us that making disciples is our job as Christians: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and surely, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." But what does it mean to be a disciple? That’s one of those words that people don’t use everyday, but since being a disciple and making disciples is commanded by the Lord, it is important to understand completely what that means in order to live it out in our lives.

We were just discussing discipleship in our home-based small group Bible Study last night. Pastor Tracy of TLCIP wrote in his August newsletter, that the Greek word of disciple actually means disciplined learner, a committed student and pupil. Wikipedia states that the word comes from Latin “discipulus”, meaning ‘pupil’ – 1. A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others. 2. An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.

By plainly seeing these definitions, we wholly understand the true meaning of being a disciple of Jesus and can vision ourselves, not only as a Believer of God’s Savior to the world, but also as a committed Student of Christ, a disciplined Pupil learning God’s will and way. We see clearer then, what life is all about and how to live it “right” from the King & Master of all knowledge and wisdom, and an active Follower of the Lord of Heaven & Earth, who has all authority and power. With the unlimited amount of lessons that the Lord has in store for us to learn throughout our life, being a disciple and making disciples of all nations is an awesome perspective of the “Child of God”. May we rejoice in our discipleship, as we abide in Christ’s teachings, while we simply learn, plainly understand and know the truth that sets us free! John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
Your brother and fellow disciple, in Christ, Brian

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